Monday, September 1, 2008

Social Networks in the Area

It was evident that within the few blocks of Pico and Robertson, there is a wide variety of social networks offered to the community.  There are support systems and other types of networks for people of different ages, cultures and ethnicities, all within walking distance of each other.  Just a few to name are St. Mary Magdalen Catholic Church; B.O.N.D. (Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny); Beth Chayim Chadashim; National Council of Jewish Women; and Young Israel of Beverly Hills.

Young Israel of Beverly Hills is the oldest Orthodox Synagogue in West Los Angeles and has been serving the community over fifty years.  Young Israel of Beverly Hills offers a friendly environment, which welcomes groups from Yeshivish to Israeli, Persian to Yemenite, Shepardi to Ashkenzani, and families to singles.  By having YIBH in the community people are able to attend various programs for prayer and study, including children and youth.  There is a social hall available, which has been renovated for events and social gatherings.  YIBH is for the veteran Orthodox interested in Torah study, and helping the community.

The National Council of Jewish Women is a volunteer organization offering quality resources to the community.  Their philosophy is to empower women of all ages.  After seeing the storefront of their thrift shop, we peeked inside and realized there was more to the store.  The revenue from the stores help fund their community service programs to help children and families.  The organization of volunteer and staff come together to provide services such as the free counseling hotline, family counseling, support groups, and life skills workshops.  Another goal of the organization is to help children achieve success by offering after school tutoring, a teen mother literacy program, and book giveaways.

This community is offered faith-based social services, support groups for families and singles, for people of varying socioeconomic status and background.  With these social networks, people are able to take advantage of what is offered to feel comfortable and have a place in their neighborhood.

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